Tuesday, June 30, 2020

County Games

Today's episode of Dealing with the County:  The form I submitted to the Recorder's Office was mailed back as missing information.  I looked it over carefully again, comparing it to other neighbor's forms that were successfully recorded.  I don't see the problem.  I email the office.  They tell me a "Grantee" must be listed on page 1.  I look at the form again.  There's no place for a Grantee to be listed.  I email again, and ask where the Grantee information should be filled in on the form.  She responded, "You're going to have to write it in."  Excuse me?  This is the form provided on your website!  And you're telling me it isn't asking for information you require?  I should have consulted my crystal ball before submitting so I'd know the county's form doesn't ask for all the information the county requires?  To top it off...the Grantee is King County.  THEIR form doesn't list THEIR name, and I should have somehow known that.  So now I've edited THEIR form and will resubmit.  We lost a week due to this.  The recorded form is due by July 16th...to another office within King County.  I can't even make this stuff up.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


The water analysis report came back today showing the arsenic levels in our new well are a bit higher than what's allowed.  The current limit is .01 p/b and we're at .026.  Several years ago this wouldn't have been an issue because the limit was .05.  But they reduced it not too long ago, so here we are. 

Our options are to 1) Do a 4 hour pump test and re-test the water at the end, hoping the levels would be less, or 2) Hire a water engineer to design a filtration system.  

I talked it over with our builder and have opted for the water filtration system.  It means a bit more expense up front,  but it's a guaranteed fix.  It means our water will be filtered, so no arsenic, hard water, or any other water quality issues down the road.  Our water will be perfect.  Also, if we sell someday, having the filtration systems means no matter how they adjust legal limits for things, our house will be compliant.  No re-sale issues.  

Luckily our builder just went through this with another family,  so he knows who to contact and what to do.  He's reaching out to a water engineer to get started on the design.  Hoping they can get it ready before our July 16th deadline.  If not, we'll submit everything else and ask for a little time to wrap up the filtration plan.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Drainage Resubmittal

We've officially resubmitted our drainage plan with all the extra engineering requested by the reviewer.  It's a few thousand dollars worth of engineering, and it includes our $10 planting plan.  Fingers crossed he's satisfied and signs off.  Or at least he doesn't come up with extra requirements to make things more difficult.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Planting Plan

Satan (AKA our drainage reviewer) is demanding a Planting Plan.  It's a technical document showing how we plan to re-plant the well road.  There is a specific list of native plants we're allowed to use.  There are three types (trees, shrubs, groundcovers).  We have to use at least two species within each plant type.  There is a spacing schedule.  For example, a 1 gallon Vine Maple covers 4' on center.  Every square foot of the well road has to be coveres by a plant radius. 

We learned this week that planting plans cost about 2K, and the guy that can do it is out next week, when we planned to re-submit.  So...I bought $10 landscape design software and told the civil engineer we want to tey to create it ourselves.  He agreed to try it!  So Jeremy spent a lot of time today designing our plan.   Fingers crossed it works!!!!