Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Garden Fence

The garden fence has sat unfinished, mostly because I was sick of installing fencing. Thankfully Jeremy had the oomph to keep me going and we finished it together on Monday. Just need to put in the gate and it'll be contained. We don't have the time for a garden this year, but hopefully by next spring we'll be ready to grow some food.



Sunday, May 29, 2022

More Flagstone


The flagstone path off the side of the patio is in, along with more planting. And one path light is wired up.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Landscaping Update


I've been either planting or mowing all day. I didn't realize Lonicera was such a bee magnet this time of year, but it's been fun hearing all the happy buzzing while I worked. And Jeremy finished mounting the Starlink dish to the house and made the cable going to it nice and tidy.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Electrical Wrap Up


The electrician and builder were here all day! I'm so happy to say we finally have Starlink connected to our mesh system, which means strong internet throughout the house. We have a functioning doorbell. Our speakers are working. The hose bib isn't dripping. And we have a pretty pendant over the tub.


Sunday, May 22, 2022

Basalt Patio is In


It's done! I now understand why it's so expensive to hire someone to lay a paver patio. It's because it's a big pain! Our version isn't perfect, but it'll do. Time to test it out with a glass of iced tea.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Paver Project

Back patio pavers are happening!  But we're running out of daylight.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

I Have a Plant Problem


I try to plant several pots a day, but I can't seem to get ahead...probably because I keep buying plants. But the more that goes in, the more the yard becomes ours. I've already seen a couple hummingbirds who stopped by to check out the progress. And we had other animal visitors this week. 

Our closet order should have arrived with the installer today, or it'll be next Tuesday. We're so frustrated with this process. But we finally received the longer cable we need for Starlink internet. Next Thursday the electrician is scheduled to come out to get things up and running, along with speakers, doorbell, and our bathroom pendant over the tub. Hopefully there'll be no more ugly cable snuck through our bedroom window after he's done.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Gallery Wall

A big thank you to my talented sister for bringing this gallery wall in the study to life.  We spent the last two evenings working on it and I love how it turned out.  Now we just need more international trips so we can add to it.