Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Easement Hunt

King County Permitting requested a copy of the easement showing we have access to the road.  Our legal description states the property has an access easement.  The Statutory Warranty Deed from 1958 which is our Proof of Legal Lot shows the property has an easement.  But that wasn't enough.

I spent hours compiling proof the easement exists.  I dug through online records.  I was able to find a recorded survey of the neighbor's parcel showing the easement along the road, and a King County Assessor's Map showing the easement running past our property...not good enough.  I knew the recording number of the document I needed, but the document was too old to be found online.  I emailed King County Archives, but they are closed and not searching microfiche records until they re-open.  I was stuck. I submitted what I had and crossed my fingers, but they let me know it still wasn't sufficient proof.

Fortunately the person from the county was nice enough to call and verbally recommend I look through the Title Report from our closing documents from when we purchased the property.  He said if we're lucky, there should be a hyperlink to that old recorded document.  Sure enough, there it was!  I've never been so happy to see a Grant of Easement from 1958 in my entire life!