Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Clock is Ticking

Our building permit was officially issued on September 8th.  It's technically good for 12months, but I expect we'll have to extend it since our anticipated time to build is also 12 months, and we're still 2 weeks away from getting started.  

So relieved that our interactions with the county should be over and Matt, our builder, will handle the rest of it (inspections, etc).  Now we can turn our attention back to what we want this house to look like!  We're planning to meet with an interior designer late next week to start discussing some things we're unsure about.  Between now and then we need to get our questions organized and choose some favorite photos to share with her.  Lots to do, but with school starting and all the birthdays happening, I'm drowning a bit.  Looking forward to settling into a routine with school/life and making some firm decisions about home finishes.