Monday, October 5, 2020

Bye Old Well

The old well is being removed today!  It's such an eyesore now that the shed is gone and it's in the way of construction.  We're happy it's finally being decommissioned.  

We walked the property with the builder this morning and marked the area we want cleared.  It's very hard to make the decision to drop some of the trees, but for safety they need to come out.  We don't want to worry about a big fir dropping through our house some windy day, so now is the time.  They'll get started on the first round of clearing probably Wednesday or Thursday, then we'll do another walk through to see if there's more we want or need to drop.  

The property is about to look drastically different.   Lots more sunlight too.  We're going to try to pop by and watch them work from a distance.  And we'll definitely take end of day pics as long as the daylight holds out.