Wednesday, October 21, 2020

First Cabinet Appointment

We had our very first meeting with the cabinet manufacturer today.  Our point of contact at Husky Doors and Signature Line Cabinetry is knowledgeable and friendly, which was a big relief.  Our interior designer met us there as well so we'd have another set of eyes.  We left still not knowing what finishes we want in the kitchen, but there's only so much we could do in an hour.  We tend to like some darker finishes (charcoal gray), but with so many cabinets some of our choices might make the space feel heavy or dark.  We left with some samples and also some confusion, but we have to start somewhere. On the plus side, we both immediately liked a door style she showed us.  It's slightly different than what we thought we wanted, but it's nice to have one piece of the kitchen figured out.  (Ignore the color; door style only)

At the end of the meeting we agreed the next step needs to be looking at hardwood flooring.  That will drive what color posts/beams are downstairs, and that impacts our kitchen finishes.  I can't think about cabinet finishes if I don't know what the floor and beams will look like.

We did realize during the meeting that the focal point of the entire kitchen will be the range hood.  It will be the first thing you notice when you look at the kitchen, so we need to get it right.

Back to Pinterest and Houzz I go!