Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Framing Week 6 Day 3

They didn't waste any time fanning out the trusses over our bedroom and bathroom this afternoon.  Many of the trusses that arrived today will need further assembly because they would have been too tall or too long to transport whole.  So there are piles of peaks and ends placed all over.  It's hard to capture the crazy web of lumber on top of the house and within the 2nd floor.  Our roof is fairly complicated and the builder said this part is going to take a while.  But we're excited to see the house take shape!
Missing peaks and tails on the back, but they're up!
The bedroom wall above is mostly sheeted now.
Primary bedroom trusses
These trusses in the great room will be parked for a while.  We're waiting on an interior ridge beam to arrive. 
Movie room vault
Bracing and truss webs above.  It's busy up there.
One of the boys' rooms
Primary bath tub area