Wednesday, March 31, 2021


It's a huge relief to know there won't be puddles in the house next time it rains.  And I like it.  It took a few days, but I really do like the roof.  

The builder wasted no time and is taking steps to dry things out.  The vapor barrier was installed in the crawlspace and there is a big heater out back with two ducts blowing hot air under the house.  Even though windows are 4 weeks away, we can still get things as dry as we can in the meantime.

They cleaned out the garage today and rebar and supplies were delivered.  The concrete floor will be poured on Monday.

Roofing Day 5?

The roofers told us they'll finish tomorrow and we believe them.  So close!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Final Roofing Delivery

Ahhh...the sweet sight of roofing supplies.  🙂  
They plan to get back at it tomorrow and should be done Wednesday.  The weather seems to be cooperating with that plan too.

Our interior door walk-thru is Thursday so we're making sure all the swings are how we want them.  We also have barn door decisions to make.  And we need to choose a stain color for the front door.  We're never without house homework of some kind.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Tween Cave / Dog House

Yes, we've outgrown our current home to the point Mason is now hanging out in the dog house.  He's even run an extension cord so he can listen to his audiobook without running out of battery.

Jeremy and the kids built this out of construction scraps.  Maybe someday it'll have real siding too.  🙂

Friday, March 26, 2021

Roofing Day 4(ish)

Supply chain issues are something we've struggled with during this build, and they've struck again.  The roofing material needed to finish our job didn't arrive in time.  The good news is they should be able to finish early next week.

Roofing Day 3

I have to admit I didn't like the roof on day one.  But now I do.  I'm used to a metal roof so it took a bit to adjust.  
The goal is to finish tomorrow.  Not sure if they'll make it but they're trying!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Roofing Day 2

More roofing progress.  And the roof is growing on me.  I don't dislike it as much as I did yesterday.  
The excavator came to smooth out the ruts in the yard and lay a fresh coat of gravel on the driveway.  And the framer must have stopped by because the post base boxes are built.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Roofing Day 1 don't like it.  

I'm used to a metal roof.
I wanted a metal roof.
The metal roof would have been WAY more expensive.  

I'm not crazy about the shingle style.
But, this seems to be the best quality roofing available that wasn't metal.

Jeremy thinks it stands out more than it will once we have siding and paint.  Right now it's all you see, but it will fade into the background once the rest of the exterior is finished.  I sure hope so.  Or maybe it will grow on me.  At least I know it's good quality.  

Monday, March 22, 2021

We Have Roofing!

We have roofing!  We assumed the delivery would be earlier in the day but they were just getting started when we stopped by this evening.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Framing Week 9 Day 5

The roof is ready!  Even the crickets above the chimneys have been built and there are roof vents in place.  There's a bit more to do, but framing should be officially complete by the end of tomorrow.  Exciting but bittersweet because seeing the house take shape has been so much fun.   

Inside, it looks like we were hit with graffiti but in a good way.  The HVAC layout is all marked.  

Along with roofing next week, the excavator is coming back to bring in fresh gravel for the top of the driveway, smooth out the ruts in the backyard so that starts to dry, and dig the trench for the propane line.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Framing Week 9 Day 4

More roof progress today.  When we left the peak where he's working was almost closed up.  That will leave the area where the primary bedroom roof ties into the living room roof for tomorrow.  Then it's ready for roofing next week!  

There's a new vent pipe in the roof out back. 
The extra bracing for the range hood is in too.  
Due to some changes we made to the fireplaces and partly due to a mixup in the estimate, we learned the stone mason estimate was WAY more than we'd planned.  In an efffort to rescue the budget we decided tonight to not put stone on the front two bumpouts as planned.  We think there are enough other interesting elements on the front of the house that it will still look nice.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Framing Week 9 Day 3

I think it was just Mike working today, and he tackled the trickiest part of the roof.  It's all framed in and mostly sheeted.  From underneath you can see the tangled web of framing.  I asked him over the weekend whether the plans made it clear how to tie those multiple rooflines together.  He said they do to a point but eventually you just have to figure out how to pull it together on-site.  I'll see if Mason can take an aerial photo of that spot for me soon.  The roofers start Tues or Wed, and the roof should be nearly or completely finished by the end of the day next Friday!