Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Framing Week 7 Day 3

They focused on the roof above the garage, including Viv's room.  Lots of bracing and brackets, and now the border of plywood is going up.  They added some of the trusses for Viv's roofline's looking good and will function much better. 

The back porch roof outside the kitchen is sheeted.  More fasica is up and the plywood border is in above the mudroom.  

The kids helped me fill potholes in the road out front and we chose a furnace.  There's only so long you can dwell over 95% and 98% efficiency until you just have to make a decision.  And speaking of decisions, I'm already backtracking on my countertop decision for our bathroom and the upstairs bathrooms, so I've asked for a few days to see if I can find something better.  Unfortunately that means another trip to Seattle, but it's easy to keep away from people in the slab warehouses.