Friday, April 30, 2021

Exterior Electrical & Plumbing Day 5

The electrician was here!  So fun to see our plan for can lights and exterior outlets come to life.  And they put in the meter box.  
No bubble covers!
Recessed can lights outside our bedroom.
4" cans flanking the front door.
Sample of the exterior electrical layout plan we provided to the builder. 

The plumbers were busy too.  It looks like they're close to wrapping things up.  

Shower valves in our bathroom.

Our windows and patio doors start being installed on Monday.  The glass will be covered in a protective film so the house is going to feel dark inside for a while.  But that's okay!  We're so excited to see them.  The excavator is coming back on Monday to move all this dirt where it needs to go.  Then mid-week a bunch more dirt is coming.  HVAC might also start on Monday.  Busy week coming up!