The plumbers start Monday! In honor of plumbing starting, here's the sinks that will be in the kitchen. One centered under the back window and the smaller prep sink in the island. They're a pretty gray, look lovely with our countertops, and are made from engineered stone. We've been happy with how our current sink has held up over the years. The new sinks will be the same material we have now, just a different style and color.
Our mailbox is now official and we've signed up for service. We can't receive packages through USPS...those we'll have to grab in town at the post office (the joys of living far down a private road I guess). But FedEx and UPS deliver to the porch, so we have options.
And the last photo is me trying to figure out siding one evening, taking photos of the exterior, and hearing a large animal in the woods behind me. I never saw what it was, but did learn I can move fairly quickly even in flip flops when needed.🙂