Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Sneak Peak Siding Day 3

Sneak peak pics of siding day 3!  I've mentioned we've had lots of decisions to make lately, but I wanted to give an example of what I mean.  

When I look at these two pics, these are the decisions I see: 

* Smooth vs textured siding behind the batts
* Textured batts vs smooth
* Spacing of the batts, and the batt material width
* Dimensions and thickness for each individual component of the window trim (top, sides, etc) so there's a change in thickness for good caulk joints and how those thicknesses work with the window and batt thickness when they meet.
* Whether the window trim has a sill
* Whether the top window trim has ears
* Dimension of the lumber used in the knee braces
* Whether to use leftover lumber we had or buy new in the correct size for the knee brace angle pieces
* How the corner boards should meet the back plate of the knee braces 
* Whether to use a band board or just flash the places where new vertical panels meet

I'm not complaining.  I'm so glad we have a builder who involves us in these decisions and cares about the details.  I wouldn't want it any other way.  We all want to get it right.  Which isn't a bad thing.