Friday, June 4, 2021

Siding Dilema

We have a decision to make on one area of siding and I'm struggling.  

Here's the problem spot:

Do you see what I see?  The wall widths...same.  Window widths...same.  Batt layout...opposite.  

Why oh why did they do this?  They installed the lower batts first.  Then they went to work above and found that layout didn't work well above where the roof comes in at an angle, so they did the opposite layout.  

According to the builder, it isn't wrong. 
But in my book, it isn't right either.  But because it's in this gray area, any fixes would be on our dime.  

The problem is it isn't an easy fix.  You can't just move batts around.  The batts cover seams in the panels beneath.  And those panels run underneath 3 sides of window trim.  Plus it's mostly caulked.  It would be a lot of tear out to make it right.  

Will anyone other than us notice this?  Maybe not.  But once you notice it, how do you forget it?  Will it disappear once everything is painted the same color?  Maybe.  Will it bother me everytime I look square at the front elevation?  Maybe.

Hoping we can make a decision on this one way or the other this weekend.