Friday, June 18, 2021

The Fireplace is Coming!

Not enough hours in the day today!  We'll grab pics tomorrow, but I did get the scoop on a few things from the builder.  The person door for the back of the garage arrived.  It's not installed but at least we have it!  They aren't easy or quick to get ahold of these days.  

The patio people did a little bit of prep work but mostly just took measurements and came up with a plan.  

The electrical inspection happens Wednesday and about a week after that we should have regular power.  The builder will put in some temporary bulbs so we'll have light.  

And Monday our family room fireplace is being installed!  The brand we chose has several ways you can customize it, so we've never actually seen a unit with the specs we chose.  Fingers crossed we like it because there's no going back.  It took a long time to get here!  

Here's some bad catalog pics until Monday.  One shows the size and log set.  The other is the gray brick interior liner.  We chose to go with a gas unit this time around, but the patio fireplace will be woodburning.