"Shim & shave" has begun! They check the walls and shave down or build out each stud until it's just right in preparation for drywall. They also marked all sprinkler heads, recessed can lights, outlet and switch boxes with orange spray paint on the floor to help prevent something getting buried behind the drywall (which has happened to us before). The crew said this is the squarest, nicest framed house they've worked on in a long time. That's due to our awesome framer, high quality lumber, and letting it dry out slowly. It's a solid house.
The fire sprinkler inspection is complete.
Plumbing is finished and will be inspected tomorrow or Thursday. If that goes well they'll call for the framing inspection that would give approval to close up the walls.
Gutters are up. They'll be painted eventually. Right now the black downspouts are quite awful looking with the yellow and blue striped siding.