Thursday, October 21, 2021

Flooring is Moving!

The flooring is moving so fast!  The family room, kitchen, pantry, our bedroom, and most of the long hallway are done.  Also, most of the stairs.  I love the square nose treads.  They really look good with the railing.  All that's left downstairs is the study, entry, and Maya's bedroom, and a bit more hallway.  But he's moving!  The sad part is he covers it as he goes to keep it protected.  Can't wait for the big reveal eventually.  The whole house will get unwrapped at some point.

And another special house item came today.  A man in Federal Way built a custom utensil tray for our kitchen drawer.  Have I said how much I love Etsy?  He did such a nice job.  Packing it away for now.